Energy Year Dates:
Sunday, June 6, 2021 to Thursday, May 5, 2022
2022 Reporting Year NJ SREC information:
- The New Jersey 2022 Reporting Year NJ SRECs are tagged 06/2021 through 05/2022, the eligible months of generation.
- The SREC Reporting Year is not based on a calendar year. When determining what Reporting Year SREC(s) are in your GATs account, (also called vintage and minted date) use the “month of generation” date. DO NOT USE “REC creation” date.
- “Prices effective starting” followed by date/time in the price box indicates the date and time our current 2022 Reporting Year price took effect. The effective date continues to be in effect until a new effective date/time is posted. Prices are subject to change without notice. Prices may move UP or DOWN. Our posted web price is the price we will pay you for spot market SRECs. NO FEE or commission will be deducted from the payment. All SREC transfers must be transacted on the www.PJM-EIS.com GATs website platform. You cannot transfer SRECs on our website or on other websites.
- For our current prices, you must check a refreshed view of our homepage at www.NJSREC.com and use our current posted prices when making transfers on the GATS platform. New Jersey SREC transfers on the GATs platform are time stamped.
- You should ALWAYS refresh our website to make sure you have the correct current pricing.
- Our 2022 Reporting Year prices are spot market* prices. *(one time sale with no future obligation)
- NJ 2018 through NJ 2021 Reporting Year SRECS are compliant* for the 2022 Reporting Year. *(Compliant means you can use the current Reporting Year and the four (4) previous Reporting Years to meet 2022 Reporting Year New Jersey legislated obligations.)
- Previous Reporting Year SRECs may not have, and typically do not have, the same values as the current Reporting Year SRECs. SRECs can be valued in the SPOT market between a value of $0.00 and the NJ SREC market annual SACP (the default utility penalty) less market transactional and contracting fees. The NJ legislated SACP for the 2023 Energy year is $238.00. Prices are pegged to the current Reporting Year SRECs.
- 2022 Reporting Year SRECs are currently scheduled to expire 12/01/2026. Prices have historically start dropping a few months before the expiration date.
- See NJ 2018 through NJ 2021 Reporting year SREC information for their expiration dates.
Effective Date:
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 12:15pm
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11 to 24:
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