Login Information
Welcome, you are not currently required to login to NJSREC.com
Please use the NJSREC.com website for current SREC prices, transfer instructions and market information. The effective date posted represents the last time we adjusted our prices and are the prices you should use.
Please use www.PJM-EIS.com to transfer SRECs at our posted prices which you will receive with NO fees or commissions deducted. Upon your first transfer to NJSREC.com, we will open an account in our accounts payable system with information GATS provides us.
We will mail you a check within two business days of your transfer.
If you need to contact us for any reason, including any alternative payment information, please click here.
If you need a bulk quantity bid, 25+ SRECs, please click here.
Thank you for visiting our website and using our service. We value your business.