We will provide New Meter Requirement information in four sections.

1) What generators need to install an approved revenue grade meter (RGM) for their Solar Electric PV System.

2) The actual BPU ruling and information from the NJ Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) at www.NJcleanenergy.com

3) How to view information on www.pjm-eis.com ,the GATs platform (GATs) and make the changes necssessary to your account on the GATs.

Double Click on link below to see complete training information to change over to your revenue grade meter

GATS Training - Updating Generators   <<< <<< As a short cut go to here and there is a complete set of instructions from GATs on how to make the change. Their phone number is there also and they will be happy to help you.

4)Some guidlines for installing your new revenue grade meter (RGM) and information on electrical contractors who have expressed interest to completing the work.

What Generators need to install an improved revenue grade meter (RGM) for their solar system.

First, we are only discussing Solar Electric PV System (PV System) installed in New Jersey and approved to recieve NJ SRECs by the NJBPU. If your PV System was installed before 2011 and it is a residential PV System or in a few cases a commercial PV System you may not have been required at that time to install an approved RGM. This does not neccesarily mean your installler did not install an approved RGM.


The follwing is the most recent New Jersey Clean Energy Survey for new revenue installation companies who applied which was emailed 10/24/2012 and is available at http://www.njcleanenergy.com/renewable-energy/programs/metering-requirements/production-meter-requirements-solar-projects-srecs .

Results of Market Manager Survey of Installed Meter Prices as of  10/24/12
Service Provider CompanyContact NamePhone NumberInstallation Cost (basic)Installation Cost (advanced)Website Permission (Y/N)
Amped On SolarLuke Uzupis609.440.3849$550.00 Yes
AmpericonVivek Bhatnagar609.945.2591$900.00 Yes
Ecological SystemsSky Sims732.462.3858$780.00 Yes
Four Point SolarScott Hayes732.899.6704$650.00 Yes
JA Wig ConstructionJake Wig609.758.1844$500.00 Yes
Kaitanna SolarRichard Dubeau856.218.8354$500.00 Yes
Kopp Electric CompanyHarry Kopp732.864.0001$500.00$1000-$1500Yes
Solar & More, LLCRic Breines973-810-0940$695-$995$900-$1600Yes
Trinity SolarBill Condit732.780.3779 $700.00 Yes
1st Light EnergyFred Rhodes209.824.5500    
Acos EnergyDavid Appolonia609.645.0066   
ASC Solar SolutionsMichael Muccio856.697.8222    
Aston SolarThomas Chen888.666.8581   
A-Top SolarCharles Loccisano732.851.6720   
Corbin SolarAngela Sehein732.536.3004   
Ecolution Energy, LLCJason Billingsby908.707.1400   
Maglio ElectricAnthony Maglio908.735.6218   
NJ Solar PowerBrigitte Hoey732.269.0308   
Quantum SolarJohn Jenks856.985.0074   
RCL SolarBob LaRoy856.339.4014   
Sea Bright SolarBrian Kelly732.450.8852   
 Pricing Summary from All Respondents 
  Average Price$645.00$1,698.00 
  Minimum Price$350.00$1,250.00 
  Maximum Price$900.00$2,500.00 
Note 1: Prices shown above are based on survey responses and are provided for informational purposes only. NJCEP does not guarantee these prices and makes no representations as to their accuracy. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to determine the full and complete cost of the meter installation prior to contracting for this service. 
Note 2:  The companies for which an installation price is listed have provided their permission to list their price on the NJCEP website. Other meter service providers that would like to have their company name, contact info and installed price listed should fill out the "Meter Installation Survey and Permission" form and send it via email to the Market Manager at NJREINFO@csgrp.com.
Note 3: For those respondents that provided a price range, the midpoint of the range was used in calculating the averages shown above.  
Note 4:  These cost figures include the meter, parts and labor, and in most cases, permit fees.  Advance meters are capable of being incorporated into an online monitoring system.  The online monitoring is available at an extra cost   Additional fees may apply for longer wire runs. Verify specifics with your meter service provider. 

Production Meter Requirements for Solar Projects and the Electrical Subcode

Recently, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) adopted new rules requiring that a revenue-grade meter (RGM) must be installed by November 30, 2012 so that all solar energy systems eligible to earn solar renewable energy credits (SRECs) can report system production. Credits are earned based upon readings obtained from a RGM measuring the system output.
Some of you may be thinking, isn’t the system’s inverter capable of displaying accumulated kilowatt-hours? This is true, however the accuracy of the inverter meter typically does not meet the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard C12.1-2008 accuracy standards required by the NJ Clean Energy Program and therefore cannot be used for the purpose of generating SRECs.
So what does a RGM (aka, production meter) mean to you Mr. Electrical Subcode Official? It means, this meter is (1) in addition to the electric meter installed by the local utility to measure the home or business’ electric consumption and (2) subject to the requirements of the Uniform Construction Code.
As mentioned earlier, the meter is required to meet the accuracy standard of the ANSI C12.1-2008 and is to be installed per the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Even though a UCC permit will be issued for the meter’s installation, the Department has determined that the listing/labeling requirements per Sections 90.7 and 110.3(B) of the electrical subcode would not be applicable. Therefore, when a RGM is installed in a new or existing solar energy system, the electrical subcode official only needs to verify that the RGM meter meets the ANSI standard and that it is compatible with the listed meter socket cabinet.
The BPU has provided two lists (see links below) intended to assist you in identifying a RGM that meets these accuracy requirements. These lists are not to be considered as being all-inclusive. The first link is from the New York State Department of Public Service and the second link is from the California Energy Commission:
If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact the Code Assistance Unit at (609) 984-7609.
Source: Ken Verbos
Office of Regulatory Affairs
Production Meter Accuracy Requirements
A revenue-grade system output meter that must meet or exceed the ANSI C12.1-2008 accuracy
standards is required. The meter must be capable of recording the cumulative kilowatt-hours
that the solar installation produces. This meter is commonly called a “production meter”. The
monthly kilowatt-hour generation recorded on this meter is used to determine how many
SREC’s the solar installation has generated. The monthly kWh production must be reported to
the PJM GATS SREC Tracking system to update your account. This meter does not need to be
capable of transferring data electronically. While it is possible that your inverter is capable of
displaying accumulated kilowatt-hours, the accuracy of the inverter meter does not meet the
ANSI C12.1-2008 accuracy standards required by the NJCEP and therefore can not be used for
the purpose of generating SRECs. The Market Manager has conducted an informal survey of
several major inverter manufacturers and has confirmed that these inverter readings are not
intended to meet revenue-grade meter accuracy requirements and are not ANSI C12 Certified.
A revenue grade meter that meets the ANSI C12.1-2008 accuracy requirements may be
purchased and installed via a variety of sources. This work should be performed by a licensed
NJ electrical contractor in compliance with all local and national electric codes. The New Jersey
Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has provided additional guidance regarding the
applicability of the Electric Subcode for the revenue-grade meters (RGM). You may contract
directly with a licensed NJ electrical contractor or work with your project contractor to meet this
requirement. You may also review the list of meter suppliers contained in the NJCEP Trade Ally
database by selecting the “Metering and Monitoring” category. Meter service providers that wish
to be added to the Metering and Monitoring section of the Trade Ally Database should visit the
webpage at "http://www.njcleanenergy.com/residential/tools-and-resources/disclaimer".
At the request of the BPU, the Market Manager has conducted an informal survey of entities
that are currently providing a service to install revenue-grade meters for residential solar
projects. The surveyed price range for a basic meter installation was found to be from $350 to
$900 with an average price of $650. Meters with advance capabilities such as remote reading
are available from $1,250 to $2,500. A summary of the survey results is available at the link
below. Meter service providers that wish to be included on the survey results are required to fill
out the Meter Installation Survey and Permission Form available at the link below and should
submit the completed form via email to the Market Manager at NJREINFO@csgrp.com.
• Meter Installation Price Survey Results mmddyy.xlsx
• Meter Installation Survey and Permission Form.xlsx

The web page shown below will be updated with this information on Friday. The Market Manager intends to update the survey results on a regular basis when additional survey results are provided.


Meter service providers that wish to be added to the Metering and Monitoring section of the Trade Ally Database should visit the webpage at "http://www.njcleanenergy.com/residential/tools-and-resources/disclaimer".